Ways to give
The Alpha Light Fund, Inc. (EIN: 82-2440761) is a 501c3 non-profit organization, which means your generous contributions can be made using tax-efficient giving strategies:
All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE *
Check if your company offers a Matching Gift employee benefit program. You can double or even triple the total value of your gift by simply submitting a matching gift request to your employer.
Consider donating appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) to avoid Federal Capital Gains Tax
Manage your Federal Income Tax liability:
- For those over 59 ½ years old: Donate directly from retirement accounts (e.g., IRAs)
- For those over 70 ½ years old: Donate as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)​ to offset a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
Combine a cash gift with a bequest in your will (as a part of your Estate Planning)
Check with a qualified Tax Professional for more information
*Subject to applicable IRS rules and limitations.